Oct 15, 2012

Whether you drive your car all over town or all over the country, there may come a time when you will find yourself in an unexpected situation.  You may be lost, surprised by bad weather, or even just hungry.  Having the right supplies in your car can make the difference between a minor inconvenience and a lengthy and annoying delay.  Before you drive too far from Honda North Carolina, make sure you have supplied your car with these necessities.


Spare Tire and Jumper Cables

You may assume that your car has a working spare tire and jumper cables, but that may not be the case.  Many people forget that they used their spare “years ago” and never replaced it or that they lent their jumper cables to a friend.  Take the time now to inspect your spare tire for wear and tear and make sure you know where your cables are located.


Phone charger

Nearly everyone carries a cell phone these days.  They are great for providing directions, calling to your destination if you are late or getting emergency assistance if needed.  But if your phone battery dies, your phone is no use at all.  Keep an inexpensive phone charger in your car and you will always be able to connect.


First Aid Kit

A basic first aid kit, a couple of bottles of water and a blanket do not take up a lot of space in your trunk but they can be a big help if you are ever in an accident.  Having a first aid kit is almost a necessity if you have kids, but even if you are only driving yourself, put these basics in your car “just in case.”