Jan 21, 2016

Phone, Holding, Device, Gadget, Iphone, Smart PhoneFiguring out how to get to where you’re going while driving is a difficult task. In the past, people would have to write directions, keep a physical map in their car, or rely on their navigational ability. Today, however, navigationally-challenged drivers have it made with various apps that do all the hard work for them. If you can’t tell your left from your right or constantly struggle with directions, check out the following four apps made for drivers just like you.

Google Maps

The Google Maps app is definitely the most popular navigation app available for several reasons. For starters, it’s compatible with both iPhone and Android devices and it’s free to download. Since Google made the app, it has a wealth of knowledge to pull from to help get you from here to there as quickly as possible.

The app boasts live traffic updates and re-routes that tell you immediately how much time you’ll save or lose taking each path. With a user-friendly interface, estimated time of arrival display, and recommendations for each user, Google Maps is one of the best navigation apps out there for today’s drivers.


Other navigational apps are great at getting you from point A to point B, but inRoute gets you to all the stops in between your starting point and your destination. Great for road trips, inRoute lets you plot out your path or find places of interest, like a gas station when you suddenly realize you’re running on fumes, at specific intervals or when you might need to.

If you plan on taking a drive or trip with multiple stops, then you’re going to want to download the inRoute app. The app is available for free from the iTunes store or users can select a $5 premium version as well if you want to plot more than 5 stops at a time. This app is only compatible with iPhone devices at the moment.


A stiff competitor to Google Maps, Waze is a one-of-a-kind community-based navigation app. Compatible with both Android and iPhone devices and free to download, Waze gives users a platform to constantly update the traffic patterns around them and the ability to view other users’ feedback.

By creating a community-based navigation app, users can immediately note when they see a traffic jam, car accident, or police car on the road and let others know it’s there. These live updates are extremely beneficial for commuters or drivers in a rush looking for the fastest way to their destination.


If you’re in another country or just have spotty data coverage, you’re going to want to download the HERE app. HERE provides users with offline access to comprehensive maps that are accurate down to the last inch, which not many other navigation apps are able to do yet. Available for both iPhone and Android devices, this free app gets you anywhere as fast as possible regardless of your Wi-Fi or data connection.

If you always get turned around while driving to friends’ houses or constantly have to ask strangers for directions, consider downloading these four navigation apps. Once you have, you’ll never get lost again.

Image via Pixabay