Mar 9, 2017

Street, Road, Horizon, Endless, FlatlandSpring is a great time for a road trip. Whether you are heading out on your own or packing up the family for a vacation, road trips are the best way to see the country. Here are some tips to take into consideration before you hit the road so you can get the most out of your adventure.

1. Service Your Vehicle

Make sure to bring your car in for a once-over before you leave. Have your mechanic check the fluid levels, brakes, and tires to make sure everything works properly, so you don’t run into any problems while you are out on the road. You should also check your spare tire to ensure it is fully inflated just in case you need it.

2. Make a General Plan

It is a good idea to plan ahead and make sure you have a place to stop or sleep in each of the cities you travel through. You’ll also want to take a look at your route to make sure there are not any road conditions you’ll need to avoid. Eight hours is usually a good amount of travel time each day, so you can choose hotels or motels within that driving distance. While it is not necessary to have a strict plan that you have to follow, making sure you have options is key to a good trip.

3. Pack Smart

First, don’t overpack. Think about what you really need and take into consideration how much room you have. If you have the whole family, limit everyone to just one bag. You’ll also want to make sure you keep the important things you’ll need while on the road within reach. This includes snacks, water, and your navigation devices or maps.

4. Keep the Essentials in the Car

It is a good idea to keep an extra charged phone in the car, and make sure you keep your phone charged in case you run into any problems. If your car doesn’t have wireless charging, bring the cords or car charger you need to ensure your phone always has power. Other items you want to keep in the vehicle include a flashlight, blankets, and a first-aid kit.

5. Food and Drinks

If you want to save money along the way, pack food and snacks that are easy to eat while you ride and drive. You can make up some trail mix with dried fruit, nuts, and pretzels, or pack some granola for everyone to munch on. To keep drinks cold, use a cooler with ice and keep water within easy access. If you are on an extended road trip over several days, you might have to replenish the snacks at some point. If you can, find a local grocery store instead of gas stations to save money and get better options.

Follow these tips before you head out on your next road trip so you can relax and enjoy the ride.

Image via Pixabay