Dec 8, 2016

Auto Mechanic, Car Mechanic, MechanicSome drivers feel close to their cars, while others view their vehicles simply as necessities to get from point A to point B. But no matter where you fall on this spectrum, it’s important to care for your car to make it last and keep it in good condition. These easy tips can help you know what your Honda needs and how to take good care of it.

Stick to a Maintenance Schedule

There are certain components within your car that need regular maintenance. Oil changes, replacing the filters, and swapping out brake pads are just a few of the things that you must do routinely to prevent serious problems. If you skip an oil change, you could wind up with dirty oil flowing through the engine, or worse, not enough oil. That causes the engine to shut down completely. Air and oil filters help keep dirt and other debris out of the engine, and brake pads allow you to stop safely.

When you stick to a set maintenance schedule, you can cut the chances of having something more significant go wrong as the result of an easily fixable problem.

Care for the Tires

The tires on your car play an important role in keeping you and your passengers safe, as well as others on the road around you. When you drive on tires that are losing traction, the likelihood of causing a car accident increases. This is especially dangerous when you’re driving in less than ideal conditions, such as rain or snow on the ground. Your tires use traction to grip the road, preventing you from slipping and sliding around.

Care for your Honda by having the tires rotated and balanced regularly since this helps them wear more evenly. You should also replace the tires regularly.

Keep the Inside Clean

If you tend to let trash and other items pile up in your car, now is the time to break that habit. If you show up for a job interview in a car piled high with garbage, this will reflect poorly on you and your lifestyle. Pick up an affordable hand vacuum to clean up crumbs and dirt that you track in, keep a garbage bag in the car to hide your trash, and store a pack of sanitizing wipes in the trunk for easy clean-up of spills.

Inspect the Car Regularly

Another smart way to maintain the value of your Honda is to check it for problems at least once a week. As you refuel the car at the gas station or when you arrive home from work, walk around the vehicle and look for any signs of wear or damage. Enlist the help of a friend (or use a mirror) to check the light bulbs at the front and rear of the car. If you notice any dings or dents, take your Honda in for a repair as soon as possible to prevent the damage from worsening. That can lead to rust, corrosion, and other more serious issues.

Taking care of your Honda will help protect your investment and keep the car in good shape for years to come.

Image via Pixabay