Jun 1, 2015

Car, Packing, Packed, Transportation, Vacation, VehicleA vehicle emergency kit is one of those things often overlooked; people tend to forget about them until it is too late. Although all of us at Matthews Honda hope that your summer road trips are safe and without trouble, but sometimes things just happen. Unfortunately, breakdowns happen and they never seem to strike in a busy spot with easy access to aid.

Summer Trip Success

While we cannot prevent you from ever having a breakdown, your trusted dealer would like to help you prepare for one, especially with warmer weather upon us. Make sure you dress comfortably and always have a preparedness pack in the car with emergency supplies just in case you end up stranded during the hottest time of the year.

  • Charge Your Phone. Make sure your phone is charged fully, and pack the car charger. This could make the difference between getting help quickly and having to wait until someone stops to help.
  • A standard First Aid Kit is handy to have on hand. Aside from problems arising from car trouble, if you have kids, you may need it at any time. Stock your kit according to your family’s needs, especially if someone has a medical condition or allergy.
  • Flashlight and new batteries are necessary. In a perfect world, breakdowns would happen on a well-traveled, well-lit spot, but that rarely happens. If possible, invest in a waterproof flashlight.
  • Bottled water and high-protein, non-perishable sacks, such as granola bars, trail mix, nuts, and dried fruit, keep you hydrated and nourished. Make sure to have enough for each passenger.
  • A Class B fire extinguisher designed to control flammable or combustible fluids. Consider a Class C for electrical equipment, panels, and battery, as suggested by the National Fire Protection Association.
  • A rain poncho and a spare change of clothes helps you stay warm and dry.
  • Additional items that might come in handy: Multipurpose tool, small tool set, spare fuses, duct tape, jumper cables, towrope, gloves, foam tire sealant.

Whether you are planning a road trip to your folk’s house or planning to drive across country, your Matthews Honda wants you to be ready for anything.

Image via Pixabay