May 27, 2015

People, Man, Sleep, Tired, Travel, Adventure, DriverAccording to the National Sleep Foundation’s Sleep in America poll, 60% of Americans have climbed behind the wheel when they felt tired, and 37% of respondents admit to dozing at the wheel. If this has ever happened to you, you know how terrifying that is. In order to help keep you alert and safe behind the wheel, Honda near Gastonia has a few tips on staying awake behind the wheel. Some you may have heard of, but more importantly, we hope they work for you.

 Bedtime Driving

Driving between midnight and 6 am is one of the most popular times for travelers to hit the road.  During these hours, the roads are not as congested and little passengers are likely snoozing in the back kids are snoozing in the back. However, this is also the most dangerous time for drivers. This is the time when our bodies are accustomed to being asleep. Unless you are nocturnal, or work the third shift -choose a more body-friendly time. Try to drive during the times when your body is used to being awake.

 Doing It All in One Day

Avoid setting out on a long drive, especially on your own, after you finished a day at work. Mental and physical exhaustion affect clarity, response times, and your ability to make good judgements behind the wheel.

Power Nap

Ten to 15 minutes worth of sleep can re-energize your body, allowing you to feel refreshed for another leg of the journey. Make sure not to get too much naptime, as it can leave you more fatigued than you were before. If you start to doze off, it is best to pull over at a rest stop. If no rest stops are present, you can settle for a 24-hour store parking lot. Just stay in a public space that is lit well and has easy exit points.

Skip the All You Can Eat Buffet

Avoid eating heavy meals before driving for an extended amount of time. Eat small, healthy snacks. Eat a light meal before you leave, and pack fruits, veggies, and whole-grain snacks for the trip. Avoid high-fat and high-sugar foods and drinks.

Road Trip Buddy

Depending on how far your travels take you, it is best to drive with a partner. Not only can a buddy help you stay awake, but you will be able to alternate driving-sleeping schedules help you and your co-driver save loads of cash on hotels.

If you still feel sleepy, get a hotel and rest up.

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